Here at Hyperfly our mission is to create more than a brand but a community of fighters who share the values of courage, compassion, humility, and most importantly, heart.

To have heart is more than to practice discipline. It’s to push yourself even harder when everyone else quits. It’s to put in the work that no one else is willing to. It’s to live past the materialistic world of imaginary status and to bring your authentic greatness as a contribution to the world. 

And we believe that anybody is capable of cultivating and expressing their heart, regardless if they are an actual fighter or not.

That's why we created the You Can't Teach Heart Coin Challenge. It's the opportunity to recognize those who have embodied our YCTH mantra and made an impact in their own lives or those around them.


Maybe it's the single mom who works tirelessly every day to provide for her children while working full-time and striving to give her kids the best she can.

Or the coworker who treats people with respect and kindness even under tight deadlines and in the pressure of the moment.

It can be anyone.

A brother, a grandmother, a friend, a coach, a server at your favorite restaurant. Anyone.

We chose this time to start the #YCTHcoinchallenge because the end of the year is a time for refleciton and a time for giving. 

So, all you have to do is send the YCTH coin to whoever you think deserves it and please post a video of yourself on social media with the hashtag #YCTHcoinchallenge explaining why you chose who you did.



The YCTH coin features the YCTH logo on one side and the YCTH mantra on the other. It arrives in a beautiful purple bag with the YCTH logo and a certificate of recognition.


Thank you for being part of our community.



Will Safford